13: Withdrawal

Wanting to be less involved in the world is not a bad thing, surely?

Lately, I have been making more time for myself and my family. I want to remove myself from all of the distractions that “being social” brings with it.

Why do I have to be social? Let me rephrase that, why do people expect me to be social. My circle of friends is very, very small. I have two people (other than my wife) that I can genuinely call my good friends.

I think that that is more than enough. Although I write here in what is quite obviously a public forum, I don’t want the world hearing and seeing everything that I am doing from one day to the next.

With this in mind, I have quit almost all social media. I still need to button up a few errant accounts, but generally speaking, I am making progress.

The next phase of my plan is to slowly withdraw from all of the voluntary work that I have been doing over the last year. I won’t leave people in the lurch, but at the same time I will not be taking on anything else. I will also quit all of my freelance work and instead move all of my attention to raising my son and keeping our home.

This isn’t a new thing for me, in fact, I have dabbled with the idea of doing this sort of thing in the past, you can read about that here.

Anyhoo, that’s it for now.

Over and out.