Hi there, my name is JP, and I live with my family in a small village in Kent, England. I work as a professional truck driver and consider myself a citizen journalist. That’s why I decided to create this blog, where I can share my thoughts and opinions on various topics that interest me.
Instead of constantly posting on public social media sites, I’ve been experimenting with using my own space. If you want to follow along, you can visit this site or use your favourite feed reader or other RSS-powered services.
I enjoy writing, creating art and photography. I’m currently rediscovering my love for books. As a hobby, I write a small motorsport newsletter/website/blog. Additionally, I’m looking for intelligent ways to reduce my digital footprint.
As a family, we believe in living a frugal life and try our best not to spend more than we earn. However, this can be challenging at times.
I’m proud to be a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which fights for civil liberties in a digital world. If you want to contact me, you can do so via email by clicking here.
Thank you for reading,