
Hello friends. I have let life get in my way. Recently, I have been working hard to overcome the effects of my arthritis diagnosis. I do my exercises with diligence, I take my pain meds like a good boy, and I sleep with various pillows in strategic places to help me sleep.

But, I have noticed that my weight has increased, especially since I began driving trucks. Despite my best efforts, having a sudden onset of arthritis in my hip and a considerable slow down in the amount of walking I used to do, my weight is up, as is my cholesterol and other things that can affect my health.

On Friday, I had my annual check-up with the diabetic nurse. She’s not happy. My numbers have gone in the wrong direction, so I have been told to start taking Metformin at a minimum dose. It’s not what I want to do, but if it will help me shift weight, I’m in. She also wanted me to go back onto a statin to lower my bad cholesterol, but I want to wait to do that. Reducing the amount of full-fat dairy and red meat I consume and cutting as much sugar from my diet as possible will have the desired effect.

So, what am I hoping to achieve? Well, firstly, I want to live for as long as possible. Being massively overweight, bloated and suffering from joint pain is all affecting my type 2 diabetes prognosis. I want to change that. In the next 18 months, I aim to be in diabetes remission. I have a lot of work to do to get there, but ultimately, I have to get my weight below 90kg. Today, I am at 125kg. Fuck!

I’ve decided to look into Metformin and its benefits, especially when fasting for weight loss. Metformin, a commonly prescribed medication for type 2 diabetes, has garnered interest for its potential benefits in weight management, primarily when used alongside intermittent fasting. Metformin may aid weight loss by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing appetite. Insulin resistance, a common issue in obesity, can make it challenging to lose weight. Metformin helps by lowering insulin levels and enhancing the body’s response to insulin, which can help reduce fat accumulation.

Intermittent fasting, which alternates between eating and fasting periods, also supports weight loss by creating a calorie deficit and improving metabolic health. Combining Metformin with intermittent fasting might amplify these effects. The medication can help regulate blood sugar levels, making the fasting periods more manageable and less likely to result in cravings or overeating during eating windows.

Clinical studies have shown that Metformin, even in non-diabetic individuals, can contribute to modest weight loss, mainly when used with lifestyle changes like diet and exercise. The medication’s impact on hunger and fat metabolism may complement the appetite-reducing effects of intermittent fasting. We shall see!

I have a few mental health challenges that I am working through, too. But I have family and friends around me to support me. My overall goals have now shifted to self-care. I have to work hard to improve my outlook. If not, I risk getting old before my time, and we can’t have that now, can we?