It is Sunday and we are nine weeks into this accursed lock down. Just lately the news seems to be filled with tales of overweight people being at a much higher risk of complications due to the coronavirus.
I am obese. I have been struggling with my weight for most of my adult life. I have written at length about my attempts to lose weight and improve my health. This morning, something has changed. Today, I have had an epiphany of sorts. There is now a very real chance that I could die if I catch contract COVID-19, or so they say. So, do I keep going and hope this pandemic will pass me by, or do I spend the next few months working hard to lose weight and improve my fitness?
My wife has already taken steps to reduce the amount of carbohydrates that she consumes. The changes are reasonable and manageable, a small course correction with her eating habits. The time has now come for me to do the same.
Here then, is my plan. First, I also need to reduce my carb intake to less that 50g per day. I need to stop taking sugar in my coffee and tea, quit eating bread and begin to reduce the consumption of any high carb dairy products. It’s good that I enjoy sausage, bacon, and eggs, because that’s going to be a huge part of what I eat each day.
I will only eat food between 1200 and 1900 every day.
Lastly, I am going to do at least one hour of exercise per day, this will be a walk in the nearby apple orchards or a wander through the woods.
I’m confident that by making these minor changes to my lifestyle will improve my chances of getting through this pandemic and on to living a long life.
That’s all.