What a day! I have a new 27 inch widescreen monitor coming today. My 22 incher is a bit too small for the work that I am doing, so a new LG is enroute.
My wife started a new job this morning; I hope that she enjoys it. I think she will. Lastly, I have a call with yet another EHE person from the education authority today. I have some good news to give her about Karta and his home education journey. I will write about this development in my next newsletter. This EHE representative is the third different person to be in the role since the end of 2019. So much for consistency!
A lot is going on at the football club that I help to run. Our AGM is tonight, at which we will vote in a whole range of changes ahead of the new season. I am working hard on simplifying the admin at the club.