“It will be social suicide; you will disappear, and no one will know who you are!”
Well, it has been almost four weeks since I shut down my Facebook page for good. I don’t miss it, at all.
For some reason, I still have my Instagram account running. It too might well go the way of the Dodo in the coming days. Does anyone care?
I certainly don’t give a shit about it.Β The more that I withdraw from social media, the more I feel in touch with who I am.
It is fair to say that I haven’t heard from anyone that used to be my “friend” on Facebook. That in and of itself shows me that the platform masks the real extent of my relationships with those people. And, you know what? That’s okay.
I am still being pulled in several different directions by commitments that I have made to people over the last couple of years. But, as I sit here writing this, I realise that I need to make changes to a lot more in my life, those volunteering commitments among them.
My daily meditation practice has taken my mind to some interesting places too. I am calmer, less anxious and increasingly able to find solutions to problems that I have created for myself. I am finding ways out of the dark places of my mind.
My focus must be on my family and my closest friends; they need me more than ever. Finding balance and being centred is my new mantra, good things will come to me from that approach of that I am sure.
I’m still in the world, just not so much in the digital realm.
Until next time, adieu.